Invitation to Bid

We’d like to invite to you bid Port Arthur’s Savings Building Third Floor Finish-Out, attached is your invitation, plans, and specifications for this project.   Bid date is Monday, November 28, 2016, please have your bids in before 2:00PM.   Link to plans and specs:   Nathan Rivers is…

INVITATION FOR BID PROPOSALS: LIT Technical Arts Renovation and Replacement, Phase 2, Package 2

INVITATION FOR BID PROPOSALS: SETEX Construction Corp. will receive Competitive Sealed Proposals hand delivered or mailed to: 1660 S. 23rd Street, Beaumont, Texas 77707, you can also fax to (409) 842-2274 or email to until 2:00 PM on Tuesday, August 16, 2016 RENOVATION AND REPLACEMENT OF TECHNICAL ARTS BUILDINGS…

Invitation to Bid – Lamar University New Music Annex Building

This project consists of the construction for the new 4000 square foot pre-engineered metal building in accordance with drawings and specifications prepared by the Architect. If you’d like to review plans and specs please click this link below: