If you plan to bid for the LIT Phase 2, Package 2 project – PLEASE REMEMBER – ALL bids are due on the 18th now at 2:00PM!!
INVITATION FOR BID PROPOSALS: LIT Technical Arts Renovation and Replacement, Phase 2, Package 2
INVITATION FOR BID PROPOSALS: SETEX Construction Corp. will receive Competitive Sealed Proposals hand delivered or mailed to: 1660 S. 23rd Street, Beaumont, Texas 77707, you can also fax to (409) 842-2274 or email to setex@setexconstruction.com until 2:00 PM on Tuesday, August 16, 2016 RENOVATION AND REPLACEMENT OF TECHNICAL ARTS BUILDINGS…
Invitation to Bid – Lamar University New Music Annex Building
This project consists of the construction for the new 4000 square foot pre-engineered metal building in accordance with drawings and specifications prepared by the Architect. If you’d like to review plans and specs please click this link below: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/byvpy4qb99ypo03/AADXFjGEdplrNpjS5JCcyO84a?dl=0
Bid day for PAISD 9th Grade Phase 3 Package has been moved to May 26th!
Dont forget!! A non-mandatory pre-proposal for Phase 3 is on Thursday at 10:00AM at the PAISD Admin Building! Even though it’s non-mandatory we urge everyone who is interested to join!
PAISD Phase 3 Package
Drawings for Port Arthur 9th Grade Phase 3 Package will be available after the 19th. Pre-Bid will be April 28th at 10:30AM. Please mark this on your calendar if you’d like to bid! If you’d like to bid please email us at setex@setexconstruction.com for more information.
If you are bidding on the Port Arthur Pavilion and People’s Park, bids are due by 12:00PM today!
That any companies willing to bid Port Arthur 9th Grade Phase 2 Civil/Foundation Package. ALL bids are DUE by Tuesday, April 5th at 2:00PM!
Invitation to Bid
SETEX would like to extend an open invitation to bid for the Port Arthur Independent School District’s Memorial High School 9th Grade Academy Civil – Structural Phase 2 Package. Competitive Sealed Proposals are DUE by 2:00PM Tuesday, April 5th, 2016. If you are interested in looking into this job, please contact…